Registered Labs


Mar 19


The NSDTA is sharing the Draft By-Laws for consultation for a 30-day period. These By-Laws will take effect on Day 1 of the migration to the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) and our simultaneous amalgamation with denturism and dental hygiene (anticipated date, May 1, 2025). At that time, we will become the Nova Scotia Regulator of Dental Hygiene, Dental Technology, and Denturism.


Please note, while you may see mention of the NSRDHDTD Profession-Specific Regulations, these are not yet approved by Government, so we cannot circulate them, or include specific section numbers or wording from them in this draft. As necessary, this will be updated prior to finalizing these By-laws.


You will see reference to “advanced practice” and “additional practice competencies” in these By-Laws. This is common terminology being used by most regulated health professions once we transition to the RHPA. For denturists, additional practice competencies will include dentures over implants, and for dental hygienists, this will include activities such as administering local anaesthetic and performing orthodontic procedures. There are no additional practice competencies for RDTs at this time.


While the By-laws set out a number of requirements, they also include enabling language that permits the NSRDHDTD Board to develop and approve additional requirements and policies as needed.


The deadline to provide feedback is Friday, April 18, 2025, at 4:30 pm.


How to participate:

  1. Review the Draft By-Laws attached to this email or on our website.
  2. Submit your feedback via email to with subject line: Draft By-Laws Feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to review the document and contribute to this important process. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please be in contact



Mar 13, 2025


The Nova Scotia Dental Technicians Association (NSDTA), the College of Dental Hygienists of Nova Scotia (CDHNS), and the Denturists Licensing Board of Nova Scotia (DLBNS), are seeking feedback on the joint draft Standard of Practice for Advertising (the draft Standard). Registrants of the three oral health regulators and all system partners are invited to provide feedback during a four-week period from March 13, 2025, to April 10, 2025.


Those wishing to submit feedback on this draft Standard are invited to it via email by Thursday April 10, 2025, to with “Draft Advertising Standard” in the subject line.


Please review the cover letter and the draft Standard to prepare your feedback.  




NSDTA to amalgamate with CDHNS (College of Dental Hygienists of NS) and DLBNS (Denturists Licensing Board of NS).

Public Amalgamation Notice Jan 15, 2024
Learn more about the CDHNS, DLBNS and NSDTA